Monday, 17 February 2014

Final Render

This is my final render as my character was transfer from mudbox into Maya.
I reduce the mesh and transfer the file while keeping the details. I realize that this not only keep my texture and color, it even keep my sculpt detail from Mudbox.

render color

this was made by following another tutorial where i transfer my mudbox file straight into Maya. The color and shape came in as a basic mesh.

Once i applied the displacement map and normal map. Even with mental ray rendering. It seems that it can't fit.

render in Maya

I tried using displacement map and bump map on my character to show the details on the low resolution model. But i can't get the color into the file to see the paint.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

putting displacement and normal map

The method that i followed from is this website:
and also these tutorial:
but it seems that even Mental ray is not able to render my file nicely and it look like a blob.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Armor build

I build the armor and the clothes in maya and build over the sculpting version in mudbox.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

moving to export and import

I try using normal map and displacement map to create and see my render in maya from Mudbox.

I transfer the mudbox file in maya and obtain basic mesh from the sculpt

the failed product after the application of displacement map and normal map.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

retopologize problem

I seem to face a problem when retopologize as mudbox state I have problem with my mesh.

Move back to Maya

I send my basic character back into Maya from Mudbox.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

detail lower body

I am pushing its feet and lower body detail before retopology phase. Going to build his clothes next

Friday, 31 January 2014

detail in mudbox

I am adding the detail sculpt in mudbox while studying about retopology in youtube. Currently adding details to my character before moving on to the next level.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The basic form

The form and sculpting of my character into a better body shape.
focus on the face feature, I try to add in the first layer sculpt.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Move to Mudbox

I am combining the vertices in my model to ensure that when i transport into Mudbox, everything will be fine when i sculpt.

Initial sculpt of the body of my character.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Porgress of eye.

I model in the eyeball and tweak the face. Currently I need to export it to Mudbox for detail sculpt.

The eye progress

Now i find modelling the eye socket a bit hard. What i don't know now is to move this into Mudbox and sculpt it.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Progress update 2

I change the head by using a sphere to model and connect it to the body.

I then continue with building the ear of my character and shape the head to fit its design.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Progress update

completing the feet and moving on with the basic mesh of the arm.
I change the leg several times in order to fit it and also look better.

With the arm and the arm being made, i set towards its hand, which is more complicated.
I build the arm using a square box and cut the line to form its arm. The basic arm of my character is three fingers and so it will be different from human hands.