Monday, 17 February 2014

Final Render

This is my final render as my character was transfer from mudbox into Maya.
I reduce the mesh and transfer the file while keeping the details. I realize that this not only keep my texture and color, it even keep my sculpt detail from Mudbox.

render color

this was made by following another tutorial where i transfer my mudbox file straight into Maya. The color and shape came in as a basic mesh.

Once i applied the displacement map and normal map. Even with mental ray rendering. It seems that it can't fit.

render in Maya

I tried using displacement map and bump map on my character to show the details on the low resolution model. But i can't get the color into the file to see the paint.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

putting displacement and normal map

The method that i followed from is this website:
and also these tutorial:
but it seems that even Mental ray is not able to render my file nicely and it look like a blob.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Armor build

I build the armor and the clothes in maya and build over the sculpting version in mudbox.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

moving to export and import

I try using normal map and displacement map to create and see my render in maya from Mudbox.

I transfer the mudbox file in maya and obtain basic mesh from the sculpt

the failed product after the application of displacement map and normal map.